Our Mission
AISB-Hope International offers a nurturing community that equips students to strive for excellence in learning and to develop Godly character in order to passionately pursue truth and humbly influence the world.
Holding forth truth
Inspiring excellence
Sharpening character
Letter from our
Head of School
Accreditation & Memberships
Welcome to AISB-Hope International,
The opportunities that exist for our students to extend their education, develop as individuals, and find enjoyment and stimulation both inside and outside the classroom at Hope are almost limitless.
Although academic achievement is something we all strive for, at Hope we also have character development at the forefront of who we are and what we do. This is woven into the learning so no matter how students are learning, character development is helping them shape who they are and how they live together in community.
At Hope, we firstly strive to educate for wisdom, knowledge, and skills. This is achieved through developing discipline, growing confidence and students having a delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge that develop their own gifts and talents. Secondly, we educate for hope and aspiration. This helps students heal, repair, and renew to cope wisely when things go wrong as well as helping students see what they can achieve by opening horizons. Thirdly, we educate for community and living well together. This helps us focus on relationship building, participating in the community around us and developing qualities of character that enable people to flourish together. Finally, we educate for dignity and respect. We stand on the basic principle of respecting the value and preciousness of each child and person, treating each person who has been uniquely made of inherent worth.
The most important resource in any school is its staff. The success of Hope is largely due to its committed, experienced, and enthusiastic staff over the years. Our concentration this year on teaching and learning as well as the foundation we have built through ACS-WASC accreditation propels us forward to strive for excellence.
Our small school is positioned to the east of Beijing, at a safe distance from city pollution but close enough to still stay connected. Our relationship with faith groups around the city and its members is very special to us and we believe our distinctive ethos can be felt as soon as you come through our doors.
We are incredibly proud of the students at Hope and see them all as they were created to be. We feel it is a privilege to support our students through their school journey and we strive to give them the skills and strategies that will enable them to live out their aspirations and become loving, respectful people.
If you would like to come and visit our school, do please use the contact details to get in touch. We would love to see you!
Mr. Roger Bishop
Head of School
AISB - Hope International
Our School Name
AISB (Australian International School of Beijing) is the license that operates the brand name Hope International. In abidance of the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, we are required to list the legal name of our license in all marketing material.
The History of AISB - Hope International
AISB-Hope International was established as a PK to 12 international school for foreign children in August 2012, and is currently in its eleventh year of operation. The administration recognizes the importance of the interpersonal dimension of the learning process. We believe that community grows out of common commitments and that learning is the result of interaction between people, ideas, and experiences. Our school leadership firmly believes that student development happens not only as students participate in engaging classrooms, but also as they extend themselves through sports, arts, and other extracurricular pursuits.